How do you world class trading powers in 32 seconds? First things first. Is it possible to get those trading powers in 32 seconds? It really is but let me hopefully give you a little bit of perspective before we really dive into how exactly to get these trading powers. I want to make a little bit of comment first. The reality of life is most everybody would like to go to sleep and wake up rich. I would to. Let's face it. Most of us don't like the idea of toiling away 20, 30 years to make our money. It doesn't make any sense so I think we are all on this quest for short cuts and getting places faster; getting places so we can eventually do what we want to do.
Most of you probably heard the old clique story about the executive who goes to the Caribbean and is supposed to be enjoying himself on vacation and he just can't seem to do it. He finally is tossing and turning one night. He goes out on a local dock very early in the morning and he is just sort of watching the sun rise and this guy comes in on a boat and he is fishing. So this guy goes into this explanation as to how he can increase his operations, get a boat and another boat and hire people and retire. So the guy asks him well, what do I do when I retire?
He says well, you can go to a tropical island and fish all day. Well the guy said, that is what I am doing right now. So we have got to put some perspective into our life. As you go through this process and you start to know me, you're going to realize that I am really big on getting rid of excuses. What I find gets in the way of traders in particular, are some of these excuses and I am hopefully going to help you break through a lot of that. What you are going to be introduced to here is that this just isn't a trading program.
I believe to the core of my being that trading is one of the greatest things that you can do, not just from a financial standpoint but from a personal standpoint.
Mac X is recognized as a forex expert trainer, forex trader and author of three best-selling forex trading books and Home Study Courses including "How To Get Filthy Stinking Rich Trading The Forex" book and Home Study, "How To Trade The Harmonics of The Foreign Exchange Markets". Mac X has trained over 1,300 students in large forex seminars, one-on-one and small groups. Read Mac's Forex Blog for more Forex Trading information at
Reuters - Six U.S. governors and a group of chief executives on Thursday urged the Bush administration in a letter to aid the embattled auto industry while the White House rebuffed a request for direct support of a merger between GM and Chrysler.
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